Are you getting a ton of calls, letters, emails, postcards from real estate agents asking if you want to sell your home?
Maybe you've been hearing that it's a seller's market and you're trying to decide if now is the right time to make a move. Before you make that decision, here are some things you may want to consider...
Many people think that when selling their home, the most important pieces to think about are the size of the home, how many bedrooms and bathrooms. While these pieces are important, as a seller it's also imperative to think about other things that may be of interest to a buyer.
Hi, I'm Lynea Carver with the Carver Home Team. We’ve been selling real estate right here for over 30 years.
I can't tell you how many times I've met with a buyer and they never even mention the size of the home! I mean, don't get me wrong, obviously because they have three kids, they are hoping to get a four-bedroom home but more often than not, they emphasize the neighborhood or school district. Often, they're looking for a community with lots of children or somewhere that’s close enough for their kids to be able to walk to school. If it's walking distance, you won't believe how many people are looking for community where they can be involved with more outdoor activities or maybe that they are close to a gym.
My point is, there are so many aspects when selling your home that adds to its potential value for a buyer. Your home needs to be prepared, showcased and marketed properly! All of these factors are just as important as upgrades and the size of your home.
Proper planning and marketing will assist in selling in a timely manner and for a much higher price than simply putting your home on the MLS and selling it “as-is”. Effectively marketing and exposing these key essential features and factors are super important and it’s one of the things that we do at the Carver Home Team. We focus on partnering with you to ensure we are maximizing on your investment.
Our extensive interview process includes understanding the fine details of your home, your neighborhood and your community. This ensures our marketing efforts are not wasted. The information we gather during the interview process allows us to target those essential amenities to the buyers who are truly interested in those things. There's a lot that goes into this and the more that we work as a team the more benefit you'll receive. We know that teamwork makes the dream work, especially when selling, and we're excited to help you in all areas of real estate.
For more information, click the link below or go to And remember, whether you’re buying a home or selling a home, it all starts with a dream. Let’s dream together!